Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon Immersion Raritan

Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon Lyrics

Phases Phase 1. Phase 1 of the Why Pink Floyd.? Campaign began on 26 September 2011 with the release of The Dark Side of the Moon 'Experience', 'Immersion' and. Dark Side Voices & Original Question Cards. From the Immersion set, 2011. The Dark Side Of The Moon – Pink Floyd.
Get your copy of this box set here: They say that a fool is easiest to part from his money and once more I have proven the saying true by purchasing yet another expensive box set in my hunt for the ultimate progressive rock audio high. This time around it is the new Pink Floyd 'Immersion Series' box set featuring the album 'Dark Side of the Moon' and a fine set of gubbins it is too. Watch as I skilfully open the cellophane! Gasp as I delicately handle my marbles! Swoon as I reveal the discs in all their glory. To see the review of this box set, visit: To see my unboxing and review of the Wish You Were Here Immersion box set: A Pink Floyd app for the iPad, iPod and Phone? Music used in this video: The Mist Suite by Darren Lock (that's me) If you like this recording, please feel free to purchase your own copy - 11 minutes and 18 seconds of ambient looped piano noodlings - from here: Or you can visit my iTunes page at: To buy this music, visit my iTunes page: The deal is you buy my music, then I can buy more stuff to unbox and keep you entertained.
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