Bosch Jigsaw 1581 Vs Manually

To WJA: My jigsaw model is 1582 VS, model 0 601 582 734. It is a barrel-held model so the 1581 diagram does not fit my needs. The 1584AVS diagram seems to be the same as the 1582VS diagram. The problem is that the blade tightening 'screw' reached with a flat-blade screw driver through the top knob is gone. The shaft (rod) item #44, seems to be okay, although I don't know what it's supposed to look like on the inside.
Bosch Jigsaw 1581 Vs
Is the inside of the rod threaded to receive the sintered metal bushing? Is the sintered metal bushing (item #171)with the slot in it threaded or how is it held inside the rod?
Bosch Jigsaw 1581 Vs Manual
Do I need the other parts, (items 172, 48,49,50)? Or just the bushing (171)?
Bosch Jigsaw 1581 Vs Blade Lock
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