Assassins Creed Patch Jerusalem

Best Answer: The DataPCJerusalem.7z files are also extract files. Right Click on the first volume i.e., DataPCJerusalem.7z.001 and extract files.
Jerusalem is a city located in the hills of the Judean Mountains, in between the Mediterranean. Dec 04, 2011 1.Download patch jurusalem fix. Assassin's Creed Jerusalem Fix(easy) LineKemajuan13. (Assassin's Creed 1) - Duration: 10:12.
And extract them u will get DataPCJerusalem.forge. U must also have a DataPCArsuf also. U will get the.forge files of three of the files DataPCJerusalem.forge DataPC.forge DataPCArsuf.forge Copy these files and paste them in your game folder(Where u installed the game).
IT will ask you whether to replace the files or not. Click on Yes. IT will replace three files as above. This is how u have to do it. Tell us some more. Upload in progress.
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I have just started assassins creed on my pc and when i enter Jerusalem the game crashes i have a good pc and i have played crysis and completed GTA4 on it with no problems i have searched the internet for this problem and it says about some 1gb patch i want to know from where can i get a patch which has no. I have just started assassins creed on my pc and when i enter Jerusalem the game crashes i have a good pc and i have played crysis and completed GTA4 on it with no problems i have searched the internet for this problem and it says about some 1gb patch i want to know from where can i get a patch which has no problems like russian language and any other problems the internet is talking about????
And i am using the pirated game and i would like to know that if i would have purchased the original game ASSASSINS CREED would it also have this problem THANKS. Best Answer: You basically answered your own question when you said you had a pirated version. The original game odds are had the same problem due to the needing of a patch but they fixed it. If you download pirated games then you run the risk of not being able to play said game if there was a problem with the game to begin with.
I looked around a bit and this seems to be the patch you are looking for, I can't promise it will work but it's a start It occurs once you want to pass into Jerusalem? incredibly is distinctive then the difficulty I had XD.oftentimes it lags while i'm in a definite evaluate Jerusalem yet basically in that little section inspite of the undeniable fact that it crashing!!!! You will be playing the pc version precise via fact if so i think of that it is advisable to enhance you computing device yet once you have it for ps3 or xbox 360 than your CD is the two scratched up or grimy (comparable applies to the pc) it incredibly is the only factor i can think of of that could desire to be inflicting issues for you!!! It takes place once you prefer to go into Jerusalem? Hmmmm.this is distinctive then the venture I had XD.frequently it lags while i'm in a definite think approximately Jerusalem yet in common terms in that little section even even though it crashing!!!! You will be playing the computing gadget version suitable because of the fact if so i think of that that's beneficial to enhance you computing gadget yet once you have it for ps3 or xbox 360 than your CD is the two scratched up or grimy (comparable applies to the computing gadget) this is the only ingredient i will think of of which may be inflicting issues for you!!!.
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Assassin's Creed Patch Ps3
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