Defiant Keypad Deadbolt Manual
Home Depot has Defiant Single Cylinder Electronic Keypad Deadbolt (Satin Nickel) for $29.88. Select free store pickup if stock permits. Thanks tayzor Note.
You should see some plastic plugs or holes for mounting bolts on the opposite side of the freezer case. The latch mechanism should adapt from one side to another. You would remove the top hinge and then lift the door off of the bottom hinge. Then you would remove the bottom hinge and switch it to the other side. Place the door onto the bottom hinge and then install the top hinge on the other corner of the case to match.
You should be able to move the handle from one side to the other. The magnets in the doorseal should work as before to keep the door closed. The interior light is usually centered on the bottom to aid in reversing the door opening.
Dec 30, 2011. If you have any electrical controls in the door open the panel and disconnect them so you can remove teh door from the wiring harness.
Otherwise, open the door and support it on the outer edge away from teh hinges, use an impact driver with proper bit fitted to it, available at Auto Zone, Pep Boys, Advance Auto, or Sears (it uses a hammer to generate torque energy to break the torque in tight spots like an impact wrench) Remove the lower Hinge screws or bolts (These are usually a large Phillips head or a Half Inch bolt head), Then remove the upper retaining screws or bolts. To make it a little easy to handle if you are doing this by yourself, remove all of the screws or bolts from the lower hinge then put 1 back in a couple of turns just to hold the hinge. Repeat the process for the upper hinge.
After doing this empty your hands, lift the door slightly and remove the 2 screws or bolts you put back in. After removing the door remove the hinges from the door side so you can use them in the new door. Sep 19, 2011. If your door sags it means the bushings in the door hinge are worn out, but there is a way to adjust it without replacing the hinges if they aren't too bad. If you open your door there are bolts that attach the door hinges to the A-Pillar, most of the time they are accessable from the outside.
First get a car jack and position it under middle edge of the open door, put a small piece of wood on the jacking point to protect the door. Loosen the bolts to the hinges and raise the jack so it raises the door up.
Tighten the bolts on the hinges back up and open and close the door to determine if the door was raised enough to eliminate the sagging. Jan 25, 2011. Remove sliding door trim panel, watershield, and access hole cover plates. Unlatch pizza sliding door. Remove latch actuator rod retainer from center door retainer hole. Disconnect pizza rear door latch actuator rod from pizza remote control assembly by opening pizza clip.
Open pizza door sufficiently to gain access to pizza three bolts attaching pizza rear latch to pizza sliding door. Remove bolts. Remove pizza sliding door rear latch with pizza remote control actuator rod attached to pizza latch, from pizza sliding door.- First you need to get the right tools for the job and the right parts to fix the problem.There is a hinge pin in both the upper and lower hinges and four brass bushings and there is two different size bushings in each hinge and also two hinge pin retaining for the tools you need a spring compressor,jack,hammer,punch. You may have the same problem as me. The bolts in the opening side may have sheared off of the ratchet arm that pulls them into the door.
It's a casting using inferior quality metal. The problem was found when the door was open.
The only way to open the door will be to turn the safe (with everything unlocked) so that the hinged side is along the floor and try tapping the top so the bolts drop into the door (the bolts are joined together). If the safe has been secured and cant be moved get a grinder and chop the hinges off. With the hinge side bolts withdrawn the door can be opened. Sentry doesn't do this spare, so a new safe is required. Dec 10, 2009. How do you remove door panels and replace window regulator on an Intrigue? Answer: For a 2002 Intrigue – Front Passenger I didn’t disconnect battery.
You use window switch later to align window tabs to regulator frame – with ignition off power locks work, nothing is exposed. Remove visible screw under armrest, pop out finger inset oval panel, remove exposed 2nd screw. Pop off door handle trim – lock button assembly slide thru its hole in door panel.

Pop off window switch trim/holder – slide thru its hole in door panel. Remove 2 slot screws under bottom of door. I used a smooth metal letter opener (or old fork) to pry panel from door at each point plastic fasteners insert into metal. Start prying a little, see three on bottom perimeter two inches from edge. Three on door open edge and three on door hinge edge. Slow and easy = whole panel will pop off.
A metal compression spring fastener connects at top door hinge edge trim – pry out. Be sure door lock and window switch remain inside. Clean all surfaces of door panel and lay on back seat.
With panel off you see clear plastic moisture sheet stuck to door with black rubbery paste - peel it from door for reattachment. You now see mechanism and fastener points. Lay out replacement window regulator and motor on mat by door to help you recognize fastening points, etc. Carefully pull glass all way up and hold in place with two pieces duck tape two feet long with ¼# removal tabovers. Put a foot on outside glass and loop over door frame a foot to inside glass – with room to later redo when you twice lower and raise a foot to access bolts removing/attaching it to regulator bar.
Remove 3 bolts holding motor to door. Remove upper 2 bolts and lower 2 bolts holding regulator frame to door. Lower window to expose thru panel cutout area two bolts holding glass tabs to regulator, retape securely. Remove bolts, raise window, retape securely by looping over door frame. Window regulator and motor assembly comes out as unit. Unplug window switch tab to release from motor.
BEFORE reassembly clean the inside of the door, put in a little Borax for bugs, etc. Reassemble by starting three motor bolts, fitting regulator assembly in door cavity.
Replug window switch, motor can be placed in thru oval slots, leave all bolts loose. Replace two upper and two lower regulator bracket bolts, leave loose. Turn on ignition, use window switch to lower window glass regulator tab bracket until accessible thru panel cutout.
Turn off ignition, manually lower glass until tabs align with regulator bracket bolt holes and tighten these bolts. Take tape off, turn on ignition, raise window to top. Tighten three motor bolts and four regulator bracket bolts, make sure alignment is OK. Remove your tape residue - clean goo from both glass sides with Goof Off.
THEN raise and lower several times to assure all fits and works like new. Reinstall clear plastic sheet, aligning any fastener holes and rubbing down perimeter with a cloth. Align door panel, assure door lock and window switch are pulled thru.

Visually align each tab on door opening side and pop them in one at a time. Continue on bottom – make sure you see them align or they will break.
Finish on door hinge side and with metal fastener at top. IF you break a fastener, take one from small bag you bought from Pep boys - otherwise take bag back for refund 17.
Reinstall 2 armrest screws and 2 bottom panel screws, then pop in door lock, trim piece and window switch. Clean the window inside and out with glass cleaner/polish/raineze so it will slide easily and your done. You can’t do anything about the motors going out. You can avoid regulator tab breaks by making sure the window is raised BEFORE closing those big doors – down is the weak moment!!
Defiant Keypad Deadbolt Instructions
I work slow and clean as I go, the job took two hours. I highly recommend – saved a bundle over dealer and they shipped everything in several days – as ordered! Jul 27, 2009.
I have a different Bosch but changing the door over is straightforward. Remove the plastic cover above the top door which fits over the controls. There are 2 screws under it holding it on. Lever it up from the back on top and it pops off. Remove the hinge for the top door held on by 2 bolts 3. Take the top door off 4. Remove the central hinge between the doors held on by 2 screws 4.
Lift the bottom door off 5. Pull off the bottm plastic cover 6.
Move the post in the bottom hinge to the other side. It screws out 7 Replace the bottom door 8 Replace the central hinge on the other side (Take off any plastic caps covering the holes) 9. Unscrew the post on the top hinge (there are 2 possible holes left and right) and put it in the other hole. Put the top door on 11.
Bolt the top hinge back on the other side 12 Replace top cover and screws. 13 Move handles (unscrew and pull towards the door edge to get them off) Jul 10, 2009.
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